About me

I am a second-year postgraduate in Computer Science and Technology in State Key Lab of CAD&CG at Zhejiang University, supervised by Prof.Yusheng LIU. I received my Bachelor’s Degree at Tianjin University in 2022.

I’m looking for summer research or anytime research intern in order to apply for a Ph.D. in Computer Science in the fall of 2025.


My recent research is about Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), which is an early phase of Computer Aided Design(CAD), using Artificial Intelligence, called AI4SE.

My research interests are Computer Graphics and Computer Vision, especially 3D models. And I have learned related courses and required relevant skills.

I have enough time to continuously and fully engage in research that interests me. I would like to collaborate with you if you have any intriguing ideas. Let’s create and do something interesting.


Email: guohaomin123@gmail.com